Monday, November 15, 2010


I'm sitting here, looking at the HUGE mess in the kitchen of dinner not being cleaned up, thinking to myself that I really should be cleaning, not blogging....but blogging helps me relax after a long day much more than cleaning oodles of dishes does. So, here I am, blogging instead.

I was reflecting on changes, as today we had some pretty big changes at church with the bishopric and all. As well, the whole having new handbooks is pretty exciting too(which you can read online btw at, there are some pretty interesting changes I think!)....I LOVE change....I'm sad to see old friends go, but excited for what  new changes bring.

I have always been that way. I was the type of kid who loved to move, which we rarely did during most of my childhood years. I BEGGED my parents to apply for new jobs in places like Japan or Utah....ha ha....pretty much anywhere actually. I didn't care where we moved, I just loved to do it. I'm the same way now, I love meeting new friends, new people, new neighbors, moving into new houses....LOVE it. So, because we have been here for ages, and I'm itching for some sort of change....I'm just going to have to do something to make me feel like we're changing something....I'm thinking about rearranging the furniture. I also died my hair brown, which I LOVE!!! I was planning on only being brown for a little while, but I also wasn't planning on liking it so much, so who knows when I'll actually go back to blonde....someday. Ooooh....also Christmas decorations, thats a nice change, I might do that in the next few days too. 
Hopefully the next blog I post I"ll have picture of my NEW hair and decorating too....I have some fun stuff planned for this year...oh, and I buy real trees, and am waiting SO impatiently for them to start selling!!!

Daily Gratitude: the little changes in my life that keep me from being bored out of my tree, and all the exciting things that I can think about for the future! Also, all the fun activities that A and I have been up to this semester....the kids are always better behaved when we go out and do something every day!

Funny Quote: For christmas A just asked for a TV in his bedroom with netlfix on it....ha ha. Also, I was laying him down for a nap, and told him he had to sleep for one hour, which he complained about and then said "How about 1 month instead?" sense of time that kid, ha ha.


  1. I totally know what you mean! I've lived in 7 different cities in my life, and 11 different houses. My husband, on the other hand, lived in the same house his WHOLE LIFE! Needless to say, I like change. I, of course, like Christmas changes too!

  2. A still takes naps? lucky. On the rare occasions that my R does it happens at the wrong time and he's up all night.

    Change scares me, but if it means an improvement I'm all for it!

  3. I love change....i just wish we could move somewhere new right now!!
    And no, A doesn't take "real" naps....he lays in his room while I put a timer on for 60 mins, lol...and once in a blue moon he'll fall asleep....I wish he still napped, it was glorious!
