Wednesday, June 22, 2011

It's SUMMER time....whhhheee....

Okay, so I am an AVID supporter of summer...GO summer
I hope that this change in temperature and precipitation is long-term. I've heard rumors that THIS years summer is supposed to be the HOTTEST and driest summer EVER for this area...will it be true? We'll see
THIS summer...we plan on doing a TON of fun things:
-go to SWIMMING lessons (A just passed his class today and we are SO proud of him:)
-go the SPRAY park a LOT (as soon as I can find a good mosquito repellent, lol)
-spend a TON of time at the playground (we HEART probe school playground)
-go on a LOT of day trips/hikes (Waterton, Milk river, Drumheller, Calgary etc.)
-A is writing this with me and he says "make a LOT of juice"
-spend a ridiculous amount of time in our backyard(with all its new patio furniture glory...and new sweet BBQ)
-go garage-saling...woot!
-visit with both of our families (the hubby's parents get back from a 18 month hiatus in CHILE....aka a mission for our church)
-probably have a TON of parties, cuz that's what we LIKE to do
-wait oh so patiently (hmmm....?) for certain THINGS to happen in our lives (job, baby etc)

SO pretty much...just ROCK the summer!! 


  1. I wanna live at your house! Sounds like a perfect summer. I have our summer all planned out too....a list of all sorts of things we can do, not to expensive but fun all the same! I can't wait. Summer is THEEEE best...I agree :)

  2. As I recall the last 3 summers were supposed to be the "hottest & driest" none of them were. But I'm with you! I hope this one is at least hotter! I have heard that Listerine is a good repellent, diluted and sprayed, I've not tried it though.

  3. Ashley-you can definitely move in!
    Jennifer-I've never heard of using listerine...but it's worth a try!!
