About 3 weeks ago I was complaining about my procrastination issue...problem more like it! :) Well, I had decided that I would write out some february resloutions...since I missed the boat on New Years...but I have forgotten about it pretty much all month long.
Its FUNNY how you can so easily forget things that are tough to do, like reading your scriptures, praying, writing resolutions, LOL, exersicing, feeding your kids (JK!)....yet its SO easy to remember to do the easy things...like sleeping, eating yummy not-good-for-you snacks, hanging out with friends, READING great books, watching endless ridiculous TV shows/movies, playing board games...ha ha...the list could go on.
Regardless, my procrastination is ENDING NOW!! ha ha...at least for this...here is my list:
-make scripture study more meaningful and regular. This includes reading a few pages each day (at least 2), studying one verse or phrase in depth, and studying characters and words from the index (I started at A, I'm still on A, ha ha).
-more frequent dedicated and meaningful personal prayer (pretty much, just DON'T fall asleep before you finish, lol)
-Help the family remember Family Home Evening ( click HERE to learn more about it and read the resource manual).
-Family Prayers and scriptures (3 vs per day with the kids...I know, HUGE goal, hey?) You gotta start little...it may just take us 5 years to finish the Book of Mormon, ha ha.
-Be more patient and kind, specifically with my kids. Do this by finding ways to serve them everyday, taking time to spend special time with them every day, and staying calm in frusturating situations. Find better and more consistent ways to work with disciplining A.
-Potty train R (???...should I take this one back? ha ha...no one hold me to it, K?)
-exersice (daily hopfeully, but 3 day a week minimum....lose at least 10 pounds...try for one pound a week)
-Continue organzing daily, weekly and monthly. Including meal planning at least one week in advance.
-Straighten things every day, and clean one room well each day.
-start reading some good books (maybe a series?)
-have a snack ready for when A and daddy get home
There is ONE more thing....but I'm not going to list it, because I have no control over it...but it MAY have something to do with babies....lol...
Well, thats my list. Hopefully I can stick to it all year! Well, I think I should plan a month at a time, thats more realisitic. So, scratch that, hopefully I can stick to it all MONTH!! LOL